Oxaleptal 300mg Oxcarbazepine

137 EGP

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137 EGP

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About oxcarbazepinecarboxamide derivative, iminostilbenes, anticonvulsant, mood stabilizing agent.

Mechanism of action of oxcarbazepineoxcarbazepine:

prolongs the inactivated state of voltage sensitive neuronal sodium ion channel either by increasing the efflux or by decreasing the influx of sodium ion across the cell membrane and inhibits the high frequency discharge. discharge. It blocks the repetitive impulses that trigger seizures and it stabilizes the neuronal membrane. In addition it increases the potassium conductance and modulates the high voltage activated calcium channels. These also produce anticonvulsant effect.

Indications for oxcarbazepine:

1. Treatment of partial seizure interactions for oxcarbazepinephenytoin: oxcarbazepine with phenytoin / phenobarbitol can increase their levels by 40% / 15%.

Oral contraceptive:

efficacy of oral contraceptives, especially those containing ethinyl estradiol & levonorgestrol, can be reduced