Pedical Plus Bone Support Supplement Syrup Strawberry Flavor with Calcium, Vitamin D3 & K2

52 EGP

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52 EGP

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100 ml

Pedical plus  offers  an Advanced formula  that  covers 4 main micronutrients that work in harmony and integration to provide optimal support  for healthy skeletal development and dentation during early childhood ,  Pedical Plus  is specially formulated to have a good taste and flavor  ensuring children compliance  to their dose regimen .

The Amount  of each micronutrient included in the formulation matches the Recommended Dietary Allowance approved by the Egyptian National Food Safety  Authority NFSA  for children older than 12 months of age

The 4 Main Micronutrients  and their Amounts :

Vitamin D3 is provided in pedical plus with concentration

600IU5ml  covering  the total daily requirements of vitamin D3 for children older than 12 months ensuring healthy normal serum levels of vitamin D3  and optimal calcium absorption   for stronger bones


Calcium ,  pedical plus  provides 50 mg of elemental calcium 5ml  since most children don’t meet their daily calcium requirements from food alone and its of great importance to ensure better calcium daily intake through  supplementation


 Vitamin K2  is now provided in pedical plus  in  its most absorbable & bioavailable form Menaquinone -7 (MK-7) with concentration 7Mcg5ml  to ensure optimal calcium utilization and deposition in bones increasing its mineral density and working in synergy with vitamin D3 to build stronger bones and teeth


Vitamin B12 is also included in pedical plus with concentration  1.4 Mcg  5ml  to ensure proper psychomotor development and coordination  in early age and preventing deficiency of this critical micronutrient  essential in the metabolism of the human cell, particularly in the nucleic acid synthesis, also in RBCs maturation, protecting the body to develop pernicious Anaemia .

Bottle of 100 ml tasty strawberry flavored Syrup.

Store below 25°C, protect from light, keep out of the reach of children

Pedical plus is best taken after a meal to ensure better absorption , its best to be consumed earlier during the day and not near bed time as it might disturb sleep